The Nature Of Reality
It's Stranger Than You Can Imagine!

"Lao Tzu fell asleep and dreamt he was a butterfly.
Upon wakening he asked, Am I a man who has just been dreaming he was a butterfly?
Or a sleeping butterfly now dreaming he is a man?"
Upon wakening he asked, Am I a man who has just been dreaming he was a butterfly?
Or a sleeping butterfly now dreaming he is a man?"
Website Contents
Quantum physics can show that the apparent 'materiality' of the world is no more 'real' than a dream-image; that ‘consciousness’ is a vital element in understanding the true nature of reality.
The world that seems so solid and separate from you has been shown by quantum physics to be a trick of the senses.
A number of eminent physics professors have stated quite clearly that ‘matter’, ‘energy’ and ‘consciousness’ are the same thing.
You no longer have to be content with the world view presented by so-called mainstream sources, which have left many people dissatisfied, and with good reason, as the following summary shows.
Most religions teach that we live in a universe presided over by a loving and peaceful God, but then fail to explain why immense human suffering can be seen or experienced in life, particularly in ‘natural’ disasters such as a tsunami or earthquake.
Classical science, with its mechanical view of the universe, has failed to explain phenomena such as telepathy, remote viewing or out of body experiences, to name just a few. These phenomena are far too well documented to be dismissed, so they must be incorporated into a plausible world view.
‘New age’ belief systems borrow from the eastern philosophies and talk about the ‘wholeness’ of reality or that everything is ‘one’, but then continue to philosophise about the nature of reality in ‘dualistic’ terms of ‘spiritual’ and ‘physical’.
It is a real detriment to understanding the true nature of reality if ‘dualism’ is part of your belief system.
Although the progress of quantum physics has brought science closer towards what the ancient eastern philosophies have been alluding to for thousands of years, neither quantum physics nor eastern philosophy explains those ideas in words and concepts that are of practical use in everyday life.
So how can you find your way through this ‘minefield’ without wasting years studying systems which turn out to be unsatisfactory or even worthless; which make promises of revealing secrets but don’t answer any of the big questions about life and world events.
Understanding the true nature of reality will completely change your view of who you think you are and what life really is.
Reality is far stranger than you can imagine.
Find out just how strange in our challenging book, The Nature Of Reality.
Click HERE to buy the paperback from Amazon.
The world that seems so solid and separate from you has been shown by quantum physics to be a trick of the senses.
A number of eminent physics professors have stated quite clearly that ‘matter’, ‘energy’ and ‘consciousness’ are the same thing.
You no longer have to be content with the world view presented by so-called mainstream sources, which have left many people dissatisfied, and with good reason, as the following summary shows.
Most religions teach that we live in a universe presided over by a loving and peaceful God, but then fail to explain why immense human suffering can be seen or experienced in life, particularly in ‘natural’ disasters such as a tsunami or earthquake.
Classical science, with its mechanical view of the universe, has failed to explain phenomena such as telepathy, remote viewing or out of body experiences, to name just a few. These phenomena are far too well documented to be dismissed, so they must be incorporated into a plausible world view.
‘New age’ belief systems borrow from the eastern philosophies and talk about the ‘wholeness’ of reality or that everything is ‘one’, but then continue to philosophise about the nature of reality in ‘dualistic’ terms of ‘spiritual’ and ‘physical’.
It is a real detriment to understanding the true nature of reality if ‘dualism’ is part of your belief system.
Although the progress of quantum physics has brought science closer towards what the ancient eastern philosophies have been alluding to for thousands of years, neither quantum physics nor eastern philosophy explains those ideas in words and concepts that are of practical use in everyday life.
So how can you find your way through this ‘minefield’ without wasting years studying systems which turn out to be unsatisfactory or even worthless; which make promises of revealing secrets but don’t answer any of the big questions about life and world events.
Understanding the true nature of reality will completely change your view of who you think you are and what life really is.
Reality is far stranger than you can imagine.
Find out just how strange in our challenging book, The Nature Of Reality.
Click HERE to buy the paperback from Amazon.
The Authors
Dawn Lester and David Parker have become well known with their book 'What Really Makes You Ill' but not many know that they wrote a book before that one called The Nature Of Reality under the pen name NoR.

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Book Reviews
I was totally amazed at how many doors this book opened. It analyses in a way one can understand, it pulls apart things we take for granted, its like reading a fractal because you go in, then in again, and again with each bit getting smaller and telling its own truth, yet telling it in a way which is very easy to understand. This book will open your eyes and set you off on a journey so vast it will spread to other areas of interest which can be explored. The ideas presented are actually 'common sense' a 'dawning', and if you are a thinker then this book is for you and you will finish it with a whole new concept on life.
I've read this several times now. I must say my brain wanted to escape via my hair follicles in the first instance. caitlyn below may say its written for 6yr olds, however I think the simplistic writing is there for a reason. You need to take everything you THINK you've even known and turn it upon its head. Its no mean feat, so if the text was complicated, it would just be very difficult. There's a layman view of quantum physics to be had in here. You have to really take on board that nothing can become reality without firth the thought in the human mind. Now with pysical objects thats pretty easy to get. idea becaome a product so very easy to comprehend. however when you start thinking along the lines of manifestation of your reality and in effect anything you think can be a possibility if you beleive. It also breaks down what belief really is. that maybe the problem of the reviewer mentioned. You start to realise that belief is not fact, and addressing all of these these beleifs systems and recognising if it actual or not again is a very different way of thinking. Remembering we use very little of our grey matter, I can only think it is of benefit to expanding the mind and perhaps turning on thinking patterns we are not normally akin to use. Again the belief/ego is a very restrcting view. So I say here's to thinking differently and evolving our grey matter in what we see as real. Thanks for this and thanks for turning my view of health upon its head. Finally something made sense after what I'd been told. remembering what we are told, unless you ask the question or find out for yourself its not actually anything but repeation of anothers thoughts.
I found this book truly excellent. The authors, NoR, have tackled all the difficult questions asked by anyone pondering the mysteries of life. This book will appeal to all those who are not only dissatisfied by the answers offered by the various religions, but who also feel there is more to life than that proposed by atheism. I found the authors' reasoning well constructed and clearly explained and I appreciated the reference quotations from various prominent scientists that support the astounding revelations that gradually unfold throughout the course of the book. As the authors say, 'This book will require you to reassess everything you think you know about yourself and your world'. I thoroughly recommend this book to everyone.
These are Truly inspiring words, used for easy understanding. I have just re-read for the 4th time and recommend highly.

When I first came across this material I was amazed. It "sretched" my mind in so many different ways and I now look at many of my experiences of life through different eyes. I would be wonderful if every one read this book. It is easy to read and so easy to grasp it's ideas. Then up to you to make of them what you will but, you may then think that things may not be quite the way they seem. I hope you give it a go.
I will re-read consistently. Great book. While a short book, not necessarily easy to read & comprehend. But definitely seems to hold a lot of information that now to me seems 'common sense'; particularly with discussion to illness - especially worth noting if you have ever had to solve your own medical issues outside the 'mainstream' channels & in this 'Pandemic' world we find ourselves in. Thanks to the Authors! Snowflake warning: This will likely suck for you if you are not ACTUALLY an open-minded person.
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